How this Accidental Storyteller Became a Master of Persuasion in the Courtroom

Welcome back to Powerhouse Lawyers! I’m so excited to introduce you to Keeley Blanchard, the legal storyteller! [05:14] Keeley shares her insights on how apparently there is a brain science to storytelling and the key to successful litigation is creating a villain for your client! [15:29] You know how you call your husband or girlfriend to tell them about your day on the car ride home. Notice how, even though it happened in the past, you’re sharing the story as though it’s happening right now. Present tense story telling is your not-so-secret weapon. [19:10] Then, Keeley reminds us that we are in fact not a robot lawyer. Share your personality because new flash, you’re a person! [23:30] Before we get to our Legally Blonde moment [38:49], Keeley shares more about the woman inside the lawyer suit. Single mamas, my heart goes out to you! You’re doing better than you think!

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The relentless demands of the profession often leave even the most accomplished legal minds feeling like they're drowning. It doesn't Have to be this way, that's why I created the
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How this Accidental Storyteller Became a Master of Persuasion in the Courtroom
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